


The Foundation for the Research and Development in Transport and Energy, CIDAUT (staff +300) is a multidisciplinary Centre working for a variety of industrial sectors. It is organized in three different sections: Safety in transport, Energy and Environment and Materials, Product and Processes. The main activity of the Centre is the full development of innovative products and industrial processes.
Some of products and processes are later industrialized in spin offs created and launched by CIDAUT. Especially relevant for the Metalmorphosis projectCIDAUT gathers a long history and expertise of complete development of hybrid structures for automotive and aerospace, making use of cutting edge tools for design, manufacturing and testing. It also has a long expertise in the application of electromagnetic fields for materials processing, actually running a spin off aluminium foundry with a special electromagnetic pump for the controlled dosing of molten metal.

CIDAUT was mainly engaged in WP 1 and WP 3 and 4. In the first one, played the role of Work Package Leader on the grounds of its long experience in the development of hybrid structures for the transport sector, whereas in WP 3 and 4, gave a strong input on joint research and provide the composite samples for testing.

Optimization of Joining Processes for New Automotive Metal-Composite Hybrid Parts
Collaborative Project - FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF(RTD)
GA nr.609039